Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
757 Westwood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90095
West Main Phone: (310) 267-7440
East Main Phone: (310) 267-7441
Fax: (310) 267-3785
About Our Unit

Thank you for trusting us with your loved one’s healthcare. The Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) is committed to providing excellent patient-centered care with teamwork and compassion.
To ensure the patient’s health, privacy, comfort and safety, we have some important information to share with you regarding his/her hospital stay.
Download and print our brochure
Visitation Guidelines
- To enter the MICU, please use the intercom located at the East or West entrance. If there is not a timely response, please use the telephone and dial extensions 77440 or 77441. The unit secretary will check with the nurse prior to opening the doors. We appreciate your patience.
- For your convenience, waiting rooms are located outside of both the East and West entrances.
- Visitation is available 24 hours in each room at the discretion of the nurse and may be limited according to the patient’s condition and privacy needs, as well as due to space constraints in order to provide safe patient care.
- Pastoral visits are allowed anytime and are only limited if special procedures are taking place.
- Visiting by young children may need to be arranged in advance. Children must be free of illness and have updated vaccinations.
- The ICU room is designed for patient care. Visitors should limit bringing personal items as these must fit into the space provided for personal belongings. You are also urged to take home any valuables or things not needed while in the hospital.
- Requests to change timing of medical procedures or tests cannot be accommodated. The timing is determined by medical necessity for the patient.
Contact Information
A manager is available 24/7 to answer your questions. You can contact any of the following:
- The nurse manager - available business hours week days.
- The MICU Charge Nurse - there are always two Charge Nurse's on-site - you can speak with the Charge Nurse at any time.
- The house supervisor by pager on weekends, holidays and at night.
- Patient Affairs at (310) 267-9113 during business hours.
Privacy & Security Information
- Please designate a family member or trusted friend as your or your loved one’s spokesperson. That person will be provided with a four-digit privacy code to use when calling in for updates. The role of this person will be to disseminate the information to the rest of the family and friends. The privacy of our patient’s health information is our highest concern.
- Please respect other patients’ privacy in the unit by staying inside the patient’s room during your visit.
- You may use your cell phone inside the patient’s room or outside the unit. Please avoid making or taking cell phone calls while in the hallways of the MICU.
- Due to patient privacy rules, all photography without prior consent is prohibited.
Safety Guidelines
- Our patients may be connected to various medical devices. For your loved one’s safety, these medical devices are only to be operated by MICU staff. If you have questions or concerns about the operation of any medical equipment, please ask your nurse. Please maintain sufficient space for our team to access the equipment at all times.
- If you feel like you are coming down with a cold, flu or any other potentially contagious conditions, please do not visit.
- Visitors must follow all isolation and hand-hygiene instructions given by MICU staff whether in the form of verbal instructions or door signs. You are expected to sanitize your hands immediately upon entering the patient’s room as well as just prior to exiting the patient room. Please help to safeguard the health of our patients as well as your own.
- Fresh flowers, fresh fruits, latex balloons, pets (with the exception of guide dogs and therapy dogs) are prohibited in the MICU. If you have an exceptional circumstance, please check with your nurse prior to bringing anything on this list.
- For infection control purposes, food and beverages cannot be left in the room. Visitors of patients in isolation may not have beverages or food for consumption in the room. For patients not in isolation, visitors may bring limited beverages and small food items for immediate consumption inside the room. Storage of food and beverages in the patient’s room are strictly prohibited. Please check with the assigned nurse for any food or beverage related questions.
- In the event of an emergency, you may be asked to stay inside the patient’s room or to leave the unit. Please follow staff instructions promptly.
- To ensure high-quality patient care and to promote a culture of safety, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center has zero tolerance for disruptive behaviors affecting patient care.
Additional Information
- Restrooms are available for your use and are located near the elevators right outside the entrances to the MICU on both East and West sides. Please refer to the map at the bottom of this page or ask a staff member to direct you.
- If you need ice, water and/or drinks from our nourishment room, please ask our nursing staff to assist you in obtaining them.
- To reach your nurse, care partners and other care providers during your visit, please use the red nurse call button on your call light (this will ensure a timely response to your needs).
Quick Reference Guide
Unit Director / Manager
Xueqing (Sherry) Xu, MSN, RN, CCRN
(310) 267-9529
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Yuhan Kao, MSN, RN, CCRN
(310) 267-7465
Clinical Nurse Managers
Nicole Agee, MSN, RN, PHN, CNL, CCRN, NE-BC
Chelsea Lepetri, BSN, RN, CCRN, NE-BC
(310) 267-7485
Clinical Case Manager
West Side (4411-4433):
Jacqueline Grier
(310) 267-9761
East Side (4435-4457):
Cora Bruce
(310) 267-9740
Clinical Social Worker
Laura Ackerman
(310) 267-9741
Charge Nurse On-Duty
West Side (4411-4433):
(310) 267-7480
East Side (4435-4457):
(310) 267-7481
Patient Affairs
(310) 267-9113
Respiratory Educator
Oscar Marquez, RCP, RRT
(310) 267-8921